Monday, September 1, 2008

Love Jill Angellotti

Aunt Deborah-------- I took several attempts to try to write to you before your surgery..and I failed each time. Every word I typed felt as if they were words I would say if I thought you were going to be passing and I couldn't grasp that. I tried thinking of a story or a profound ensemble of all the things you have taught me. But then I thought to myself these are things I want to tell you in person and share with you, and I will. I want to be able to experience and learn more from you. So I write this today to wish you a smooth recovery (I have seen you trek through Vegas in a wheelchair.) And also I write this to say you are a wonderful person and there is/was no doubt in my mind that you wouldn't get through this. I knew and prayed you would survive every day prior to the surgery and here on after. I love you with all of my heart Aunt Deborah and this has just been another speed bump you have conquered on life's path. You are one of the strongest women I know and I admire and look up to that gracefully. I love you.Jill

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